Spirit week at BHS

December 3, 2020
Even though this week was not a normal week at Babylon JR/SR high school, they found a safe way to host their annual spirit week. Every year Sr. high Student Council hosts this event. Students from grades 7-12 came to school and showed off their school spirit. For years spirit week was one of the many weeks a year that students look forward to. BHS knew they had to keep the school spirit alive this year.
Spirit week kicked off with pajama day, or as principle Al Crone likes to call “comfy cozy” day. Students came to school in their favorite pajamas. Tuesday was wig day, where students wore all different types of wigs. These wigs included wigs big, small, funny, and even wigs from different decades. Part of BHS’s safe school plan among the current pandemic is having an all-virtual day on Wednesday. On Wednesday students rocked their school colors (black and orange) even from the comfort of their own home. Out of an abundance of caution, BHS had to go virtual on Thursday and Friday due to recent COVID-19 cases. This did not stop BHS from showing off their school spirit though!
Spirit week picked right back up the following week, with two days remaining. Given that this was the day before break, students spirits were even higher. The next Monday was decades day, where students dressed up from their favorite decade! Hippies seemed to be the hot costume this year. As spirit week came to an end, students showed off their class colors. Most students purchased their class shirt, to help support Sr/Jr high student council. As always, spirit week was a great success at BHS.
- Jackson Maurino 8th grade
- Photos by Kian Donnelly (8th grade), and @bhsstrong Instagram