Recently, we held a schoolwide vote in honor of the election, and the results are in! First, we wanted to know about your cafeteria choices. For the first question we had a choice between the sweet, frosted doughnut or the fluffy, flavorful muffin, and 56% of people prefer muffins to doughnuts! The second question was pizza vs cheeseburger, and almost 80% of people chose pizza. Next, we asked you to choose between sandwich lunch line or hot lunch line, and the results were very close with 52% of people selecting hot lunch line and 48% of people selecting sandwich lunch line.
Next up was sports teams. The first was Mets vs Yankees, and 61% of the schools favored The Yankees over The Mets. Out of the three NY football teams, 39% of voters chose Jets, 51% chose Giants, and only 10% chose Bills. The Knicks beat the Nets by a landslide, with 85% of voters choosing the Knicks! For the last sports-related question we asked you to choose between the Rangers or the Islanders, and the Islanders won with 63% of votes.
Finally, we asked about your preferences for schoolwork, and between drawing and painting in art class, the results were very close. 43% said painting and 57% said drawing. The next question was, do you like working on the computer or on paper better? The answer is that 62% of voters like working on paper better. The final question was reading or writing, and 54% of people preferred reading over writing! These statistics were very interesting, and some were very surprising! Thanks for voting.