Spirit Night 2015

Karaline O’Connell

Homecoming King, Kyle Baldwin and Queen, Shayne Antolini

Karaline O'Connell, Staff Writer

Spirit night was a huge success. At first it seemed loud, chaotic, and disorganized, but the night started to show its true colors after the decorating of the gym. From dance offs to duct taping the principal to a wall, spirit night had it all.

First off, congrats to all the winners of the games! Another congratulatory remark for the homecoming king and queen Shayne Antolini and Kyle Baldwin. The night started off with a danceoff, congrats to the winner Adrian LaPene.

The night started off with a danceoff, so congrats to the winner Adrian LaPene. Then the students had half an hour to decorate their half of the gym while the seniors went to decorate their hallway.

The rest of the night was dedicated to scooter races, duct-taping Mr. Cirone to the wall,food,laughs,and friends. Spirit Night was a smashing success! Can’t wait until next year!

Adrian LaPene and the Babylon Panther
Karaline O’Connell
Adrian LaPene and the Babylon Panther

7th Graders Enjoying Spirit NightKaraline O’Connell