The Homecoming Dance Does not Disappoint

Jennifer Keegan

Members of the Homecoming court enjoy the dance.

Stelli Tavera, Staff Writer

The 2017 Homecoming dance has come and gone! This year’s dance was organized by Mrs. Gatskill and the PTSA, and to all in attendance it will surely remain a favorite memory of this school year.

Held in the East Gym this past Saturday night, the Homecoming dance started out with Drake’s “Started from the Bottom” and only got better from there. With a DJ brought in from Queens, party lights spiraling everywhere and a crowd full of excited students, the scene was set for a memorable experience. Katherine Bencevenga and Izzy Gaskill, two Juniors who attended the dance said the following, “I’m having a blast and this is a great DJ.” Adrian Lapene, a Freshman, echoed the same sentiment about the dance, “It’s lit! They chose a great DJ.”

Chloe Gigliotti was perhaps the most vivid in her description of the dance, “It is a darkly lit room, there are floating balloons amidst frolicking kids, a DJ spitting hype bops, kids in khakis and dress shirts scattered across the dance floor. This is what I see, looking down from the bleachers. Oh, what a scene.”

This year’s Homecoming was clearly a great success, and we can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store!