Gary and Jim Paulsen’s Road Trip

Gary and Jim Paulsens Road Trip

Alyssa Watral, Contributing Author

Road Trip

Gary and Jim Paulsen

Realistic Fiction

130 pages

In the book Road Trip by Gary and Jim Paulsen, Ben was looking forward to attending hockey camp with his team. His parents had made a deal to send him if he did well in school. Those plans changed when Ben’s dad switched his job and Ben found himself in a car with his friend, his dad, and his dog. They were on their way to get a rescue dog. Ben makes new friends during this journey to get the dog. He learns what has been going on with his friend Theo and helps him. Ben also learns that change is sometimes good. This book is geared towards people who love crazy adventures.

I enjoyed reading Road Trip. When I first started reading, the book was a little slow. But after a chapter or two, I soon realized how good Road Trip was. It was unexpected that the dad had to cancel the hockey camp because he switched his job. Ben was upset that he worked hard in school for nothing. I thought that the book was going to be about the dad and Ben fighting the entire time on the way to get the dog. That changed when they started meeting friends and traded their truck in for a bus. I also enjoyed how each chapter had a perspective from the dog in it. Atticus the dog really explained how he felt during this and even noticed some things even before the people understood.

In conclusion,  Road Trip is a book you should read. Even though it has a slow start to the book, I definitely liked it. If you liked Road Trip then you should check out Field Trip. It is the second book in the series.