Babylon High School Jingle Walk


Angelina Testani, Staff Writer

The Jingle Walk is an annual charity event hosted around mid to late December every year. This year, it took place on December 20th and was hosted outside on Coach Walter Williams field between 6-8 PM. Despite the chilly temperatures, the school was met with many guests. The attendees were free to walk around and visit all the stations set up by the attending clubs.

There were many activities for guests to participate in. The Writers’ Club had a station where visitors could write letters to Santa to receive a message back in the mail. They also had a trivia game where participants could spin a wheel and answer a trivia question to earn a prize. The Leo Club sold items such as candy canes and hand warmers. The World Language Club had a station where participants could fish for an ornament in a small pool, and then they would receive the instruction kit for crafting that ornament they fished up. The school also held a raffle for the winner to receive a basket prize. A concession stand was set up near the bleachers to sell cups of hot chocolate available to anyone.

The Jingle Walk was, as always, quite a successful event. I’m sure that each guest enjoyed the experience, and on the behalf of the Writers’ Club, it was an eventful night that I enjoyed! Happy Holidays, Babylon students!