A solitary strand of peace they lay drifting in thought
For when they try to stay in that very moment
Darkness bellows from down the road
Calling: they resist the urge to go and follow the sound of such agony
Yet that peace is so quickly ripped away from the imagination of within
A fool they feel to have ever hoped a world of no harm
The relaxation vanishes along with the voice of resistance
No way out, they follow
Gone away is the emotion along with the voice of reluctance
Now drowning,
They lose their breath along with the voice of fighting
Now washed with the current
The personality they lose along with the voice of life
You ask why, yet one answer sticks out.
Where was the voice of reason, before the agony revealed itself?
Embarrassment is an emotion yet death is a state of being.
Use the voice you were gifted before it’s too late.